Website administration Website maintenance Updates

Web site maintenance

A website, when you don’t work on it, won’t work well either. The solutions, features and content used on it, like everything, have an expiration date. We know a few tricks to make it function like new one!

Kodowanie stron internetowych

Plugin updates,

motives and system

on the World Wide Web

Changes to the appearance of the pages,

implementation of new solutions

and functionalities on the site

Speeding up the pages

by optimizing the code

GDPR implementation

and Cookies

Analytical tools


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Whether in fact

Does it need it?

However, if you think that after commissioning someone to prepare a website, it can just hang around on the Internet – you are sadly mistaken. In order for it to function well and bring the expected benefits – you need to take care of it, systematically work at it – develop content, update information, as well as software. In this regard, it is best to trust professionals who will make sure that the site is like new, after the appropriate measures.

Are these the only benefits?

Up-to-date software means faster site performance and less chance of viruses. High speed ratings not only mean fewer impatient customers who will simply leave the site when it loads too slowly, but also better search engine rankings. Analytical tools will show you how many customers visit your site and which subpages they click on most often. This will allow you to respond appropriately and take further actions to keep visitors at your place. Consent to process customer data, is also your safeguard – it’s a good idea to include it with each form and immediately after entering the site.

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We will relieve you of activities on your site

Updates on the website

Updating every few months is the standard today; without it, a site can be susceptible to viruses or simply crash when least expected.

Changes to the website and new features

Do you need a new form for data collection, or maybe it’s time to expand your site with new sections? We can implement even the most complex ideas.

Faster website

Is the page loading too slowly? Or is the Page Speed Insight ratio too low? We know how to remedy that.

GDPR Implementation and Cookies policy

Be honest with your recipients, let them know how their data is processed. Send us the documents and we will implement them on the site in the appropriate places.

Installation of analytical tools

We generate and plug in Google Analytics so you know how many people are visiting your site and what specifically they are viewing on it. If you need other tools, we can also implement them.